9th Annual English Inaugural Lecture to Feature Edward Cahill

Nine years ago, Edward Cahill suggested to the department chair that we should organize an inaugural lecture each year, at which a Fordham English faculty member would present his or her work to interested faculty, graduate students, and others. It was a great idea, and the annual inaugural lecture has become a beloved tradition. It opens the academic year with a discussion of intellectual substance, but it is also a festive occasion, at which new faculty and graduate students are welcomed to the department, transitions are marked, and delicious food and beverages are consumed. 

This year, on Wednesday September 14th at 4pm, Professor Cahill himself will deliver the Inaugural lecture. His talk is titled “Striving and Rising in the American Plantations," and it will take place in the  O'Hare Room on the 4th Floor of the Walsh Family Library on Fordham's Rose Hill campus. All are welcome to the lecture, and to the reception that will follo. 



Radio Interview about Lawrence Kramer's The Thought of Music


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